Watch this video, see what victims have to say on the live scene!
Racist mobs rampage through Tilak Vhar Genocide colony on India's Independence Day..attacking Sikhs and Sikh owned businesses.
- Media blackout in West Delhi's nearby affected areas.
- News Channels are not covering this incident.
22 Sikhs have been inured badly and 8 out of them had gunshots fired upon them, gunshot victims were all sikhs, 4 of them are in serious condition. 2 Sikhs have been shot on their hands, 1 on neck, 1 on pelvic area(severe condition). Their are reports from eye witnesses that Police came into the scene after Sikhs retaliated to save the local area's Gurudwara place, when Sikhs were being attacked, Police did nothing to stop the Mob. Tilak Vihar is the Genocide colony of the victims of the 1984 Anti-Sikh Massacre.
Why would they attack INNOCENT Sikhs on India's independence day?
Probably to REMIND them ...its NOT YOUR INDEPENDENCE DAY!!

Sikhs should keep one thing in mind, there is no mercy for them in this so called Democratic country, India and they should not expect any good here.

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